Process models for industrial cooling sections
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- Products:
Available cooling section process models for
online and offline applications (currently empty, please contact us)
- Services:
Available modelling services (currently empty, please contact us)
- Interface:
Interface definitions for cooling section process models (draft)
- Online Models:
Online cooling section process models (Online: 2)
- Inverse Models:
Inverse cooling section process models (Online: 1)
- FAQ:
Frequently asked questions related to cooling sections and their modelling
- References:
References related to cooling technology
- Links:
WWW sites related to cooling technology
General information:
After hot rolling or between the rolling passes,
the strip temperature and the material properties are
adjusted by cooling sections. The task of these devices
is to cool down the strip from T
in to T
out, eventually
with additional requirements regarding cooling rate,
and minimum surface temperatures or including self tempering
of the strip.
Process models can be used to predict the cooling of the material.
Inverse process models can be used to predict set-values for the cooling section,
minimum cost production parameters or demands to cooling technology for the
realization of specific cooling rates and temperature guideways leading to specific
material properties.
Cooling technologies:
Spray water cooling with a spatially varying water impact density
S [kg/(m
2s)] implies a heat transfer coefficient
S,T), as shown below acting at the material surface.

Other technologies (e.g. direct quenching) can be described in a similar way.