An inverse process model for industrial cooling sections
The required cooling section parameters for a specific cooling task
are calculated. The data is calculated for
In = 1 m/s, i.e. vor higher speeds, the
cooling section length has to be multiplied by the true value of v
Please select your parameters:
published model
uses an optimizer to determine the water impact density required
for a the selected cooling rate in the centre of the sheet.
For a specific sheet material and thickness there is a physical limitsfor this
centre line cooling rate. This online version is currently not considering this limitation and thus you can start computations which can not converge!
Example of the Results:
20 mm Fe cooled from T=900 to 500 deg C with 10 K/s (both sides):
The application of the position dependent water impact density
Vs(x) calculated by
the inverse process model gives the following optimum temperature control:

Modelling assumptions: λ =
p =
ρ =
(temperature dependent material properties available on demand)