New algorithms for the calculation of multicomponent, multiphase stable phase diagrams were developed [04Cha, 01Che], forming the basis for the second-generation thermodynamic software package Pandat 3a). In contrast to first-generation software, Pandat does not require any user knowledge about the phase equilibria or the setting of starting points; these may be very hard to guess even for experienced users in the case of complex multicomponent systems and/or those with ordering or demixing effects.
A key feature of the own methodology is to combine various experimental tech-niques and thermodynamic modeling to generate a consistent and comprehensive pic-ture of thermodynamics and constitution of multicomponent inorganic systems. Using and furthering the tool of Computational Thermochemistry this knowledge is then ap-plied to materials development and process optimization as exemplified above. If appli-cable, the methods are complemented by detailed crystal structure analysis [01Kev1] or electrical materials properties [98Che].