Institut für Metallurgie

Arbeitsgruppe Metallurgische Prozesstechnik

Veröffentlichungen aus dem Jahre 2006:

  1. R. Viscorova, R. Scholz, K.H. Spitzer und J. Wendelstorf:
    Spray water cooling heat transfer under oxide scale formation conditions
    In: B. Sundén, C.A. Brebbia (eds.): Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer IX
    Vol. 53 of WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, published by WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK (ISBN 1-84564-176-0), p. 163--173
    Conference: Heat Transfer 2006, 5 - 7 July 2006, New Forest, UK
    Corrected Preprint (PDF)
  2. R. Viscorova, R. Scholz, K.H. Spitzer und J. Wendelstorf:
    Measurements of spray water cooling heat transfer coefficients under oxide scale formation conditions
    AISTech 2006, May 1-4, 2006, Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
    Iron & Steel Technology Conference Proceedings (ISSN 1551-6997), Volume 2, p. 519--528
    (PDF, cited by)
  3. J. Wendelstorf and K.H. Spitzer: A process model for EAF steelmaking
    AISTech 2006, May 1-4, 2006, Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
    Iron & Steel Technology Conference Proceedings (ISSN 1551-6997), Volume 2, p. 435-443
    (Preprint (PDF), cited by)
  4. C. Chigwedu, J. Kempken and W. Pluschkell:
    A new approach for the dynamic simulation of the BOF process. Stahl und Eisen 126 (2006), p. 25-31
  5. F. Schaub and W. Pluschkell:
    Turbulent Enhancement of Mass Transfer in Bubble Plumes. Chemical Engineering & Technology 29 (2006) 1073 (link)
  6. J.P. Hajra and S. Acharya:
    Thermodynamics of Surfaces and Adsorption.
    In: Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publisher, North Lewis Way, Stevenson Ranch, USA, 2006, pp. 207-253

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